DD Course Facilitators are expected to actively implement this policy.
No one embarking on a course with Developing Doulas should receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of:
- age
- being or becoming a transgender person
- being married or in a civil partnership
- being pregnant or having a child
- mental or physical disability
- race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
- religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
- gender
- sexual orientation
Developing Doulas believes that all staff, volunteers and clients should be treated with dignity and respect.
It is the policy of Developing Doulas to provide the necessary information and support to empower women and people to make informed choices.
Developing Doulas also aims to involve all our partners and trainees as much as possible in decisions about the services and support DD provides
Any Course Facilitator or trainee using the service who feels they have been discriminated against or treated disrespectfully should discuss with Maddie McMahon, the owner of the business, about the appropriate action to take.
Any person accused of behaving in a way which is discriminatory, harassing or bullying may be spoken to and asked to leave the group, if it is a doula course session. These guidelines apply equally to our online community.
Developing Doulas is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion; eliminating discrimination to all applicants, trainees, course leaders, and members of the DD community. Our aim is that everyone will be treated fairly, openly, kindly, honestly, with dignity and we aim to respect and value differences irrespective of and regardless of:
- sex (including marital status, gender identity, pregnancy, maternity, nursing mothers and paternity or childlessness)
- sexual orientation (including civil partnership status)
- race or racial group (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins)
- religion or belief
- age
- caring responsibility
- disability.
Our commitment
To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our course leaders and Developing Doulas are recognised and valued.
Everyone is entitled to an environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated in any DD group, be that in person or online.
DD courses are open to all, irrespective of age, sexuality or gender.
Equality in the workplace is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
We commit to regular planned reviews of all our practices and procedures to ensure fairness and welcome feedback.
Breaches of our equality policy will be regarded as misconduct.
This policy is fully supported and agreed by all DD course facilitators.
The policy has, and will be reviewed annually against evaluations, feedback and changes to legislation.
Developing Doulas is committed to meeting the diverse needs of all those who work and learn with us. We will take steps to identify the needs of all members of our community and develop policies and procedures setting out how we will meet everyone’s needs and ensure the services we provide are accessible to all. We will take account, in particular, to the needs of trainees with a disability and those who are unable to communicate effectively in English. We will consider whether particular groups are predominant within our client base and devise appropriate policies to meet their needs: including men and women; carers; children; the elderly; members of religious groups; ethnic groups or nationalities; and lesbian, gay or transgender people.
Our learning programmes include discussion about equality and diversity and further reading and research is encouraged and signposting is undertaken to relevant up to date sources of information.
Partial and full scholarships are reserved for people who could not otherwise afford to attend a doula course and who plan to support birthing families in their own communities.
We welcome applications for scholarships from people from marginalised groups. This may mean that you identify with a racial or ethnic group that has a heightened risk of mortality and morbidity for pregnant people and their babies.
Date of next review: December 2022