
Read what some of our trainees have said about learning to become a doula with Developing Doulas

drawing showing doulas in the kitchen on a doula training course

Here is a selection of lovely feedback from the Developing Doulas comments book.

You can also read more reviews on our Facebook page

Verina was absolutely amazing and I feel so lucky to have been taught by her! The content was so enjoyable and easy to follow. All the information given was crucial to start the foundation of my future as a doula…Having the chance to share each other’s experiences was priceless to me as I find fascinating how we are all so different yet so similar when it comes to birthing our babies and our expectations both prenatally and postnatally. I feel confident and positive to start my future as a doula and that’s all thanks to Verina, Becki and Maddie, and for that I’m forever grateful!


I just watched your oxytocin video. I am learning soooo much. It’s amazing all the content in the [online] course ….very very rich and very addictive to want to do more – wonderful!!
Thankyou so much. Must have taken hours upon hours ……


I have had the most amazing time on the Developing Doulas course. I definitely think my soul needed this. I can see that this will truly change my life and how I interact with others. I have left this course feeling informed and supported and with a team of women that I can confide in. You are amazing and I feel very fortunate to have met you. 


You’ve rocked my world. Every student midwife should have to do this course. I feel it has been so instrumental in my midwifery journey and I am so incredibly thankful for this opportunity so kindly offered and gifted to me. It has filled all my gaps, caught me in a net of love and support right when I was beginning to stumble and fall.


What an amazing 5 days these have been – I am truly sad that the course has come to an end, but so excited about what comes next. I feel privileged to have met you and to be able to call you a part of my new journey. It takes a big heart to make others want to love – thank you.


What an amazing 5 days not just in terms of knowledge and understanding of doula work but also tools for life! I think this course is going to have a massive effect on all aspects of my life – professionally, emotionally, in my motherhood and relationship with my partner and parents. You have immense knowledge and you are a beautiful storyteller of the wonder of birth!


The training we did with you this month felt more organic, welcoming and inclusive than any other learning experience I have ever had! I feel so much gratitude and release after our time together. Our weekends have also left me feeling empowered and confident to approach the possibility of becoming a mom. You have been a wonderful and inspiring model and I hope to carry some of your energy with me to parents wherever I go and look forward to the next time I will get to learn with and from you! With Gratitude


Thank you so much for your inspirational kindness and wisdom throughout the course. I truly inspired and excited to get started on my doula journey and I feel privileged to have been able to share this journey with so many other women.


Thank you so much for such a wonderful two weekends, I’ll cherish them forever. Thank you for holding space for us to begin our transition into a doula and I must say, I felt like I had come home. I learned so much about the world, myself, birth, women and the list goes on. I will be forever grateful.


Thank you for helping me heal. I learned so much that I can take forward. I am leaving with love in my heart and my new sisters. 


Best course ever! Full of love, courage and abundant hope! Highly recommend to any human being who wants to increase their capacity to love.

What an inspirational course. You have taught me so much personally and professionally. You reminded me about so many important values in life and through this we can learn and pass on our love and care to our fabulous ‘super women’ that we will have the honour of serving.


What an amazing five days I have had! I have learned so much, not only about being a doula, but about myself and my passions. I can’t wait to get started with my journey and I am so grateful for the love and support you have given me and for the other wonderful women I have met.


Besides all your knowledge, peacefullness, I love the way you work with your hands, I found it very beautiful!

Thank you for opening my eyes to choice, something I so sorely missed out on in all my births…a truly inspirational woman who nurtures women to grow into the best doulas they can be. Thank you for everything.

Thank you for being my doula through this process. You love and support are undeniable…you’ve built my confidence and I will always be grateful for that.

Thank you for this Developing Doulas experience. I don’t know how you do it without ever appearing tired – 5 days of intense training, never once did I feel bored, tired or left wanting to say more! I was drawn to this course with you after feeling warmth and nurturing vibes off your video…thank you for opening up the magical doorways to a new world.

Wow, what a rollercoaster of emotions you have taken us on! I thought I already knew what kind of doula I wanted to be, but you’ve opened my eyes to other ways of doulaing and given me so much to think about. 

I loved the way you drew us together on the first day. You created such a safe space for us to share our experiences and ideas.

Maddie, thank you for the so very well thought out way in which you have presented all of this wonderful information. For me, the variety of visuals, role-plays, brainstorms and discussion backed up by the papers I have to take away means that I have been able to sit here with my ears wide open and a receptive brain!

Your fostering of community and peer support is a blessing in an all too segregated society. I so look forward to developing on now in my doulaing skills.


The course has been so enlightening and I hope your wonderful energy will flow through all who are lucky enough to come on the Doula journey with you.


Thank you so much for such amazing information, wisdom, knowledge and stories.  It has been an absolute honour to have had you and Maddie as our doula sisters.  I have learnt so much about myself and others.


This has been an amazing experience, I cannot begin to put into words how beautiful and inspiring this course has been.  Indira you are beautiful teacher, your grow calmness, enthusiasm and a real passion for the Doula world.  I could have not asked for a better teacher, and I will carry my amazing experience with me for the rest of my life.


Coming from an individual who has neither been present at a birth nor given birth yet, this course, experience and education has not only taught me, inspired me, made me question and reflect on myself, my background and my future outlook but it has also opened up my eyes and senses to so much more than life, and birth.


Dear Maddie, Thank you for helping me realise what I am…Thank you for helping me find my tribe and for being part of it. I’m so excited to be a part of this wonderful community. 


Dearest Lovely Maddie, Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this tremendous, awe-inspiring journey. At long last I feel I belong. I have found my true path, my true vocation and along the way made some beautiful friends. 


Maddie, How to write all that’s going on in my head? I came expecting to learn the practicalities of doulaing. I never expected what I did get – permission to just ‘be’. To be myself and be OK with that. To be with amazing, passionate women who will hold you up. To discover a whole new journey into finding my purpose and what will bring me joy and fulfillment. 
I leave exhausted, refreshed, open, renewed, passionate and ready. 


Dear Maddie, Thank you a million times for changing my life in the best way possible and introducing me to my tribe! From this day forward I will be the best form of myself. 


Dearest Maddie, I have so much love for you all on the course. I have learned so much and feel so ready to go out and hopefully pass on this deep understanding I have found within myself. I am super-excited and I thank you both for this. All my love, Claire x

Dear Maddie, Thank you for taking us on this magical journey. I can’t imagine having anyone more perfect for the role. You’ve held the group beautifully and managed all the characters artfully. I was so touched that you showed such sensitivity and vulnerability and I can’t wait to spend more time with you and learn from you in the future.

Hugs, love and kisses, Ellie x 

This course has brought me more than I could have have anticipated. I have never felt so understood, accepted and held and that was something I have been needing for a long time. I’m incredibly grateful to have been given this opportunity and to be part of something so special and I’m so excited for what the future holds. 


I have really enjoyed my 5 days here. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster for me and I feel like I’ve had a lot of time to sit and think and reflect on my own personal gaps in my life and where I’d like to go from here. It feels like one of those moments that’s life shifting. 


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