Choosing a Doula Course

With an increasing number of doula courses available, how do you choose?

With ever greater choice it can feel rather overwhelming trying to decide what course to book. The following suggestions may help you choose, but remember, choosing a course is like choosing a doula – it’s all about feelings. Gather your information, then follow your heart. We’d obviously love you to join our community, but what we love more is doulas finding the path that suits them best. We hope these thought will help you on your journey.

  1. Membership of Doula UK: Consider whether the training program is affiliated with Doula UK. Doula UK offers recognition to training programs that meet their standards and guidelines. Being associated with Doula UK may provide you with networking opportunities and access to resources within the doula community.
  2. Curriculum: Review the course curriculum to ensure it covers essential topics relevant to doula practice in the UK. This includes childbirth education, supporting families through the maternity system in the UK, understanding the NHS system, breastfeeding support, and postnatal care. You course should also give you ample opportunity to reflect on your own experiences and explore how to provide trauma informed, inclusive, non-judgmental support. The course should also provide lots of practical support in setting up and marketing your business and provide a nurturing community to support you once the course is finished. Explore the DD curriculum
  3. Instructor Qualifications: Check the qualifications and experience of the course facilitators. They should be experienced doulas, with a minimum of 2-3 years experience behind them and ideally some grounding and experience in adult education.
  4. Location and Format: Consider the location and format of the course. Some courses may be offered online, while others may be in-person workshops or a combination of both. Choose a format that aligns with your learning preferences and logistical constraints.
  5. Cost and Financial Assistance: Compare the costs of different doula training programs in the UK. Additionally, inquire about any financial assistance or payment plans that may be available to make the course more affordable. Here at Developing Doulas we believe your course shouldn’t cost more than the income you will make from your first one or two clients and we strive to make doing the course as accessible as possible, with payment plans and bursary places available.
  6. Continuing Education and Support: Assess whether the training program offers ongoing support, mentoring, and continuing education opportunities after completing the course. Continued learning and support are crucial for professional development. Are the course facilitators interested in you and are they keen to provide the tailored support you may need?
  7. Reviews and Testimonials: Look for reviews and testimonials from past participants to gauge the quality and effectiveness of the training program. Feedback from other doulas who have completed the course can provide valuable insights into its strengths and weaknesses.
  8. Alignment with Values and Philosophy: Choose a doula course that aligns with your values, philosophy, and approach to supporting individuals and families during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Feeling aligned with the ethos of the training program will enhance your learning experience and shape your practice as a doula.
  9. Does the course allow you to book sight unseen, or do they ask you to have a phone chat first? Having the opportunity to talk to the course provider, ask questions and get a feel for their ethos means you are much less likely to regret your decision.
  10. Lastly, does the course market itself positively, or does it try to sell itself to you by criticizing the competition?

    If you have questions or would just like to explore next steps, book a call to chat things through.

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