What should I do with my life?
3 Tips for dealing with a crossroads and transitions in life and some help deciding if becoming a doula might suit you.
3 Tips for dealing with a crossroads and transitions in life and some help deciding if becoming a doula might suit you.
What do we need to think about as a Companion community to ensure that we provide the best service to our DDs and develop ourselves in the process? Firstly it’s important to have some clarity about our objectives: What is the goal of our Companionship programme? Overall, I think it is to focus on ensuring … Read more
A three-legged stool is very strong. It can support us and provide a comfortable resting place. And because three points define a plane, it is hard to topple over, even on an uneven surface. The three-legged stool has a long history – from milking stool to birthing stool and even, in some cultures, the stool … Read more
I find myself writing this blog during Birth Trauma week, from my bed, as I recover from a very different birth to the one I had planned. For those of you who do not know me well, and even those who do, but haven’t seen me or spoken to me much in the past year, … Read more
DD Abi Wilcox writes candidly about her own experience of birth trauma and what helped her heal. I think when we hear the word trauma we always think about the dramatic worse case scenario. Especially when it comes to birth narratives we think emergency intervention or life threatening moment – which it can be too, … Read more
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