
Trauma Informed Living

As birthworkers we talk a lot about Trauma Informed Care. It’s a buzz word that is becoming more and more mainstream. Basically, it reminds us never to forget our basic, soft skills – to always remember that people may be bringing heavy baggage into a conversation. Whether  it is trauma experienced in this lifetime or … Read more

The Three-Legged Stool of Doula Support

A three-legged stool is very strong. It can support us and provide a comfortable resting place. And because three points define a plane, it is hard to topple over, even on an uneven surface. The three-legged stool has a long history – from milking stool to birthing stool and even, in some cultures, the stool … Read more

Drawing showing tea cups to illutsrate active listening

Intelligent Tea Drinking

Here’s another stunning piece by the talented Jenna. What wonderful work these Developing Doulas do! I am blessed to receive them! This sums up what we doulas do, as we listen to the mothers we serve.

5 Ways I Listen to Women

I’ve been thinking a lot about listening recently. These two ears have heard some stories, I can tell you! I hear stories of love, trauma, betrayal, bitterness, jealousy, romance, exaltation and secrets that would turn you scarlet.   As I listen to women, I watch their faces or, if on the phone, listen as hard … Read more

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