Trauma Informed Living

As birthworkers we talk a lot about Trauma Informed Care. It’s a buzz word that is becoming more and more mainstream. Basically, it reminds us never to forget our basic, soft skills – to always remember that people may be bringing heavy baggage into a conversation. Whether  it is trauma experienced in this lifetime or … Read more

The Power of Gathering

It’s always been part of us, this alchemy of groups. Something, bigger than the sum of its parts, happens when we gather. Together is a word that resounds with the feeling of connection. To-gather, a doing word full of intention and anticipation; a longing for the profundity and sacred nature of a group.  In over … Read more

Happiness: 7 Top Tips For Serenity

The world is in a sorry state. Violence, death and destruction bombard us whenever we switch on the television. Unkindness seems to be everywhere. Worry – about money, our health, or loved ones is rife. It’s easy to feel downhearted and it’s hard to see our clients struggling. So it is important that we care … Read more

Spring Into Summer with DD Companion Sam Reynolds

As we step into June, DD Companion Sam Reynolds reflects on her month of May and what this time of year means to her, professionally and personally. May ‘Spring is often more about foundational growth – inner growth, inner seeds being planted, our roots. Before we burst out, into the outside world, into the much … Read more

Doula Regulation, Yes Or No?

Regulation of doulas has been a topic of conversation in the birth world for many years. Should doulas be regulated? If so, who by? But perhaps we should start at the beginning; what exactly do we mean by regulation? The website defines a regulated profession as one that: ‘…is defined in the Professional Qualifications Bill. … Read more

a seaside prom under a stormy sky

Walking With Your Doula On The Beach

Maddie, the founder of Developing Doulas like to write poetry and prose, often on the themes of birth and parenting. You can read more of her work on her personal blog. Sand and salt,Salt and sand,Heart exalts,Take my hand. Pebbles and stone,Stone and pebbles,Maiden and crone,Radical rebels. Waves and ripple,Ripple and waves,Goddess triple,No longer slaves. … Read more

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