The Developing Doulas Blog

News & resource centre for doulas in the UK


So I want to talk a little about anger. You may think that anger is a negative thing for us to be talking about when we are trying to focus on self care and self compassion, but bear with me and I hope you’ll understand why I want to speak a few words on this … Read more

The Three-Legged Stool of Doula Support

A three-legged stool is very strong. It can support us and provide a comfortable resting place. And because three points define a plane, it is hard to topple over, even on an uneven surface. The three-legged stool has a long history – from milking stool to birthing stool and even, in some cultures, the stool … Read more

Lotus Flower

Birth Trauma Awareness Week

I find myself writing this blog during Birth Trauma week, from my bed, as I recover from a very different birth to the one I had planned. For those of you who do not know me well, and even those who do, but haven’t seen me or spoken to me much in the past year, … Read more

Abi Blog 1

What Birth Trauma Means To Me: The Process of Healing

DD Abi Wilcox writes candidly about her own experience of birth trauma and what helped her heal. I think when we hear the word trauma we always think about the dramatic worse case scenario. Especially when it comes to birth narratives we think emergency intervention or life threatening moment – which it can be too, … Read more

Kat Hassel Blog2

Birth Trauma Made Me Who I Am

DD Kathryn Hassell blogs for Birth Trauma Aaweness Week about her own struggle with birth trauma. 14 years ago I gave birth to my first baby, aged 21, married and mortgaged and ever so grown up. Sadly I wasn’t as grown up as I expected and I was almost playing house. I wanted a baby. … Read more

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