Trauma Informed Living

As birthworkers we talk a lot about Trauma Informed Care. It’s a buzz word that is becoming more and more mainstream. Basically, it reminds us never to forget our basic, soft skills – to always remember that people may be bringing heavy baggage into a conversation. Whether  it is trauma experienced in this lifetime or … Read more

a seaside prom under a stormy sky

Walking With Your Doula On The Beach

Maddie, the founder of Developing Doulas like to write poetry and prose, often on the themes of birth and parenting. You can read more of her work on her personal blog. Sand and salt,Salt and sand,Heart exalts,Take my hand. Pebbles and stone,Stone and pebbles,Maiden and crone,Radical rebels. Waves and ripple,Ripple and waves,Goddess triple,No longer slaves. … Read more

Swiss mountains and lake

Postnatal care: the heart of Swiss

A Guest Post by DD Anija Jänes. We are honoured to host Anjia’s article and grateful that she has been able to find the time and energy to reflect upon, and write about, her postnatal care in Switzerland and how it contrasts with the care we routinely receive here in the UK. Read on to … Read more

The Three-Legged Stool of Doula Support

A three-legged stool is very strong. It can support us and provide a comfortable resting place. And because three points define a plane, it is hard to topple over, even on an uneven surface. The three-legged stool has a long history – from milking stool to birthing stool and even, in some cultures, the stool … Read more

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